After all the meetings and planning the day has finally arrived for the Spring Rally at Pendennis Castle. Leaving Paul working hard at home on their new bathroom, Mike and I joined Jo on the drive to Falmouth early this morning. As we’re no longer members of the Club and were in Jo’s Mini we had to park in the general car park and walk over to the entrance. The gates were due to open at ten o’clock and when we arrived there was a long line of cars queuing to get in …

There was a call on the radio to get the gates open as cars were backing up onto the road and then it all happened very quickly. We are members of English Heritage and so used our passes to get in then we began to wander around looking at the cars. We kept bumping into old friends which was great. Everyone was so pleased to see us as we’d all been instrumental in the original decisions on venue. Pendennis Castle is stunning and thankfully the weather was kind to us – it’s bleak if wet and no shade if hot.
We climbed to the top of the Castle and looking down we could see all colours represented. The cars were lined up on the grass and looked amazing …

There were interesting adaptations to cars …

These two cars are owned by siblings and there is always great rivalry in the competition for best car. The white one won!

Apart from MX-5’s there were other things happening to interest people. Not every woman wants to look under bonnets all day!
The event was officially opened by the Mayor of Falmouth …

and old friends were working so I stopped for a chat …

Activities in the craft tent …

We were entertained by local singers …

and a statue that winked at me when I waved at him!

A unique little caravan and a dog collecting for the Lifeboats …

and of course all the attractions in the Castle grounds …

At the end of the day the rosettes had been handed out and for someone it was all just too much!

When we got back to Jo’s car she had a visitor using her window as a mirror!

We’d had a lovely time and were so pleased that the day was successful. Well done the Cornish Fives!