Sunday 28 April 2013

Setting off for Home

We left the Norfolk Broads site and as we passed over the River Thurne I spotted Sally moored up with Steve working on her.  I quickly pulled over and turned around, parked up in Lathams car park and we walked to the riverside to say hi and goodbye.  It was lovely to see both Steve and Lisa one more time before we hit the road for Cornwall.

We retraced our route and I was doing really well.  Jamie had put the postcode for Burford into Jasmine and once I’d cleared Milton Keynes I turned her on.  We have no idea how it happened but somehow the wrong postcode was set and I found myself in the wrong place!!!  I reset it and then we arrived safely at the site.  I must say it was nice to have the speedo working on this journey.

We had the same pitch and once again I took Hamish to see the animals.  Yes Hamish they’re still there …

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The following morning we left here for the Devizes site and I took Hamish for a stroll along the canal.  There was quite a bit of activity …


Back on the site and this greeted me …


Isn’t that brilliant?  The following morning the weather was lovely so another walk along the canal …


Before we left the site I managed to get a photo of Henry who was a puppy owned by one of the site managers – he was gorgeous!


We then headed back to our friends and the promised lamb roast!!  It was very yummy too!   More playing with the cats for Hamish …

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One last drive and we were home.  It had been a fantastic holiday as always and I’m looking forward to the next one already!

Tuesday 16 April 2013

Off on Holiday!

It’s that time of year again – Norfolk Broads holiday.  I have a route planned so that I don’t need to use anyone to get me around the M25 and M1.

After leaving the place where our motorhome is stored and setting off along the A30 I looked down and noticed that my speedometer was telling me I was stationary!!!  Thankfully I had the Sat Nav (Jasmine) set up and so I used it to tell me my speed.  I hoped it was a blip and would work again but it was not to be Sad smile

The first night was spent parked outside a friend’s house in Somerset …

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We went to the local pub for a meal as she had thought we were arriving the following day!  We’re stopping here on the way home and have been promised a roast lamb dinner with all the trimmings!!  The following morning I happened to mention that our motorhome was looking decidedly dirty and her OH very kindly offered to power wash it for me …

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It was positively sparkling when he’d finished and I was petrified that I’d get it dirty on my travels.  There were cats living here which Hamish was thrilled about and he proceeded to make friends …

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From Somerset we went to our favourite site on the canal near Devizes …


From Wiltshire it was a short hop to Oxfordshire and a new site for us.  The Burford Caravan Club Site is situated opposite the Cotswold Wildlife Park and we were given a lovely pitch close to the toilet block …

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Early the next morning I took Hamish for his walk and we went to investigate the Park …

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We set off at ten o’clock and the journey can be read on my Broadland Blog.