Wednesday, 15 June 2011

Walk to Kingsbury Water Park

After two hectic days we decided to have a lazy time at the campsite and just take a walk into the Water Park.  We set off along the road and entered by the main entrance.  We soon arrived at one of the lakes and took a circular route around it. 


We passed the sailing club on the way but being mid-week it was deserted …


Back where we’d started we made for the cafe for coffees and watched the wildlife feeding …


There were also other things to see – the farmer at rest and a bee box …


We had a look at the map as we were hoping to go back to the campsite via the woodland walk which would bring us out at the subway and into the area where we’d walked the dogs.


We passed the little railway …


and walked into the woods …


We then saw the sign for the campsite and Mike was thrilled to finally find the subway …


In the evening we all went to Fazeley for a meal with Paul’s mum and step-dad plus the newly-weds.  We sat outside with the dogs and had a lovely time …


1 comment:

jordiegirl said...

Lovely to see more photos of your recent holiday.