Wednesday, 2 February 2011

Birds and Building

Okay so there's no connection here with the birds and the building but there's so little happening at the moment and they don't really warrant a thread each!

We've had very active seagulls in the harbour for a couple of weeks now and it's all due apparently to herrings. Each day a shoal has come in the harbour and the birds think it's their birthday and Christmas all rolled into one. They feed non-stop and make a racket to boot! We have loads of dead fish on the seaweed when the tide recedes and they get caught in the pool at the pinch ...

When the tide comes in then they're milling around outside our house ...

Building work has started at Rose Villa farm which is just as you enter Portreath and opposite the Junior school. Planning took ages to be approved as the local residents were all very anti the new houses however they finally got it passed and so now we're seeing the work commence ...

It will be interesting to watch it progress.


jordiegirl said...

Good to have a post from you again as it's been a while. It's always nice to come and visit.

Anonymous said...

Its good to read that herring can still be found off the coast of Cornwall in these days of declining fish.

Sorry to see the developers got their way. I hope it will be a sympathetic build.

Shirl x