Friday, 9 April 2010

Walk in the Sunshine

The weather forecast was great for today and as we wanted to take the RV to Truro to see about getting some alloy wheels we decided to take a picnic with us and then go on somewhere afterwards. Trelissick Gardens was the first place we came to and as it's such a lovely place for Hamish to stretch his legs we parked up and set off across the field.

The sun was glinting on the water ...

and considering it was still Easter holidays there weren't loads of people about. When we reached the water we turned left and followed the path which would take us to the King Harry ferry. Looking back at the house ...

There's obviously a lot of clearing in progress as there were many piles of logs waiting to be taken away ...

Hamish kept looking back wanting us to hurry along!

I happened to look down to the water and there was a heron ...

Round the bend and we could see boats moored at the floating jetty ...

It was an idyllic spot ...

The ferry to Falmouth had just left ...

and the King Harry ferry was on its way back to our side of the river ...

The woodland walk is highly recommended to anyone who is staying down this way ...

We had now reached the road and it was lunchtime so we didn't carry on ...

but turned up the road passing this lovely cottage with beautiful magnolia and camelia ...

and headed back to the car park. We passed under the bridge ...

and entered the Gardens by the gate at the tower ...

It was then a short step to the RV and some food!

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