Monday, 5 April 2010

Tintagel Castle

It's Easter Monday and the phone rang. Jo and Paul would like to go to Tintagel Castle and wondered if Mike and I fancied joining them. I've never been to the Castle before and so it was a definite yes! We took the scenic route to get there because the A30 was packed with holidaymakers heading home after Easter. We parked in Tintagel and made for a pasty shop for some sustenance before beginning the long walk down to the cove.

It wasn't too bad going down but I kept thinking of the return walk which would be a killer as it's so steep. We reached the cove and the tide was in ...

so after taking a few photos we made our way up to the entry to the Castle.

Our bus passes came in handy for a reduced entry fee and then it was onward and upward!!

Very steep steps so I had to stop for a photo on the way up!

By the time we reached the top we were exhausted and had to sit down. The view once we'd got our breath back was fantastic ...

The Castle is just ruins but there were some lovely little views through the stone ...

and the remains of a room ...

We then went under the arch ...

and on up looking back down to where we'd been at the cove ...

Such dramatic coastline ...

More little areas which were rooms on the cliff-face ...

and a photo at the top ...

This is the Garden with a view and Jo being a lady of the court!

The Chapel ...

and the view from the altar ...

We then made our way back down - it was getting very busy ...

This is the gateway and wall ...

The view looking through it ...

and the seat next to the entrance ...

It was easier going down the steps but looking across at the other side both Mike and I said that we'd leave it to Paul to go up and investigate it! There was no way I could get up there ...

Jo also backed out and so the three of us went for a wander around the shop and then to the cafe for a drink. After Paul had joined us and had his refreshment we set off across the water ...

and began the long haul up the hill. After numerous stops to recover and take the odd shot ...

we finally made it to the top and after posting a card at the old post office we returned to the car and were very glad to be able to sit down! We'd had a great time and I'm really pleased that we made it up to the Castle but I don't think I'll be repeating the visit now I know how much walking is involved!


  1. LOL - A great day out, and I feel very high and mighty after all that excersize, just don't tell everyone about the moaning and groaning that came with it LOL

  2. I'd get in free there!!! :-)
