Saturday, 3 May 2008

Off for the Weekend

It's Saturday morning on a Bank Holiday weekend and we're off to Cosgrove where we're booked into a campsite with our motorhome ready for a Christening tomorrow morning at Little Houghton. Thinking that the roads could be really bad we got going early (for us!) at 9.30am but it wasn't the traffic that caused us any problems.

We were motoring along quite happily at 60mph when this happened ...

and then this ...

and no, we were not breaking the speed limit - the speedo decided to do its own thing! After stopping and starting again it played game for a while but was very temperamental and in the end we ignored it! We just hoped that when we went through speed cameras we were going slowly enough not to get zapped. The main thing was that the cruise control wouldn't work when it was playing up but we had a good journey passing loads of rape fields ...

and Stonehenge ...

before arriving at the site. It was huge - a Butlins on the go - awful! There were children on bicycles and scooters zooming around the roads, ski boats going round and round the lake with an incessant noise, amusement arcade and loads more. Not our ideal place to stay but there was nowhere else as most places insisted on a three night stay because of the Holiday weekend. At least we were only using it as a base and would be going out all day.

After a quick cuppa we took Hamish for a walk and after leaving the site we found The Stocks which go under the Grand Union canal ...

We went up the bank to the towpath and here is the first boat I saw ...

named after me of course!!!

It was lovely and peaceful by the canal so we had a leisurely stroll until we reached the lock.

My cousin got in touch and invited us out for a meal in the evening so we gladly left the BBQ smells to our neighbours and went to meet up with Sue and her family. It was a lovely meal, good company and we didn't get lost finding our way back to the site in the dark!

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