Sunday, 11 August 2013

Portreath Art Exhibition

The Art Exhibition is an annual event and is always held the first week of August.  The Club members set up the Hall on Saturday and in the evening they have a Preview Night for friends and family.

On Sunday the Exhibits are free to view by the general public until the following Saturday evening when all is dismantled.

We popped in on Sunday to see mum-in-law Pam’s stand and I had a good look round while Mike and Hamish sat and waited for me.  Hamish was peeping at me through one of the chairs …


On Tuesday afternoon we were back again as Jo and Paul came down.  I’d seen a picture I really liked on Sunday and it was still in a browser on Tuesday.  When we got home I grabbed some money and nipped back to buy it before it disappeared!


It is a watercolour called ‘Wistful Gaze’ by Mandi Baykaa-Murray and it so reminded me of my Dales mare Meg that I just had to have it!

It was a very good Exhibition with some amazing work but unfortunately the sales were a little down this year.  One person who sold a picture was Pam who sold her painting of Glenfeadon Castle …

Glenfeadon Castle

The Millennium Hall was filled with art work …


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