Wednesday, 19 June 2013

An Operation? Yes then No!

With an overnight bag packed for Mike just in case he’s kept in for the op tomorrow, we set off from Luton for a day in London.  He was seen by Mr Verity who had performed the previous ops on him but it was Prof Dart who would be doing this one if necessary.  Unfortunately he was off today so Mr Verity had to make the decision and he felt that it was probably required.  Now began the fun and games!  Although the op had been provisionally booked for Wednesday at 7.30am, a bed hadn’t been booked!  I insisted that there was no way we could travel and be there for that time of the day and they needed to find a bed for him.  At two o’clock there was no hope but miraculously by three o’clock they had found one in the very ward where they should have reserved it for him!!  We checked in and I stayed with him until he’d had his supper then I left him there and returned to Luton.

Next morning after the boys had left for work and I was imagining a lovely lazy day recovering from the stress of yesterday, my mobile rang and it was the hospital.  Apparently Prof Dart had seen Mike and decided not to operate so could I please collect him as soon as possible!

I immediately ordered a taxi, got train and taxi to the hospital to be met with the comment “Is he not staying for lunch?”  I was amazed!  My reply was very polite but no he was not staying – we were leaving right away.  He left with medication and an appointment for Clinic in a week’s time.

Today was our wedding anniversary and I’d thought we’d be spending it apart.  Phill came home from work with some roses for me as he knew Mike wouldn’t be able to get anything and cupcakes for our dessert …


He’s such a lovely lad Smile

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