Tuesday, 16 April 2013

Off on Holiday!

It’s that time of year again – Norfolk Broads holiday.  I have a route planned so that I don’t need to use anyone to get me around the M25 and M1.

After leaving the place where our motorhome is stored and setting off along the A30 I looked down and noticed that my speedometer was telling me I was stationary!!!  Thankfully I had the Sat Nav (Jasmine) set up and so I used it to tell me my speed.  I hoped it was a blip and would work again but it was not to be Sad smile

The first night was spent parked outside a friend’s house in Somerset …

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We went to the local pub for a meal as she had thought we were arriving the following day!  We’re stopping here on the way home and have been promised a roast lamb dinner with all the trimmings!!  The following morning I happened to mention that our motorhome was looking decidedly dirty and her OH very kindly offered to power wash it for me …

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It was positively sparkling when he’d finished and I was petrified that I’d get it dirty on my travels.  There were cats living here which Hamish was thrilled about and he proceeded to make friends …

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From Somerset we went to our favourite site on the canal near Devizes …


From Wiltshire it was a short hop to Oxfordshire and a new site for us.  The Burford Caravan Club Site is situated opposite the Cotswold Wildlife Park and we were given a lovely pitch close to the toilet block …

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Early the next morning I took Hamish for his walk and we went to investigate the Park …

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We set off at ten o’clock and the journey can be read on my Broadland Blog.

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