Sunday, 22 November 2009

White Dog in the Woods

The rain had stopped, the sun was shining and Hamish was giving us that pleading look which we know means 'When are we going for a decent walk?' So with walking shoes on and an umbrella just in case of an unexpected shower, we left home and made our way to Illogan Woods ...

I knew it was going to be wet but before we'd even reached the woods we met a flooded path ...

and then Hamish looked at where we required him to go and obviously thought that if he wanted his walk then he'd better make his way through the water ...

The water was flooding down ...

but we carried on up the track ...

looking at the stream beside us ...

We crossed the little bridge ...

and walked on with the stream now on our left ...

Hamish was having a lovely run and there were plenty of smells for him ...

We reached the dividing point of the track and decided to carry straight on ...

To our left there was an overflow pipe with water gushing forth ...

and just behind it was a very wet field ...

We reached the watercress pond and then turned around as the sky was getting darker ...

Hamish climbed up the bank for more smells on the way back ...

and in no time at all we were back down on the lower stretch ...

Hamish wasn't too keen to go through the water on the path again ...

but he suddenly came charging through ...

One white and black dog who has really enjoyed himself ...


  1. Bless he looks as though he had a great time, glad you had a great walk xx

  2. Butter wouldn't melt eh! - somehow dogs manage to make you love them no matter how smelly and dirty they are LOL x

  3. He had a lovely time and is now thankfully all sparkling white again. So glad we chose yesterday to go for the walk as the weather today has been rubbish!

  4. Looks like a really great walk :-)

  5. It's wet here too - nothing like a good walk with lots of water all around. Go, Hamish!
