Friday, 28 August 2009

Wheal Peevor

Sunshine at last!

When Simon did the Coast to Coast he'd wanted to see Wheal Peevor but missed the turning on the route so as it was a lovely morning we piled into the cars and set off to find it. The children weren't too keen to be doing something educational in their holiday but we bribed them with a promised visit to Radnor Driving Range afterwards! We parked in the little car park, crossed the road to the entrance ...

and went in to have a look at the board ...

The children ran off to explore and Hamish was allowed to roam free as it was very children and dog friendly. We went to the first engine house which was the pumping and haulage shaft ...

There was a metal staircase up into the engine house ...

and fantastic views once inside ...

Looking down I could see the family on the grid covering the 600ft drop ...

I then joined them as the children were dropping stones down the hole ...

We then moved on to the next building which was the Stamps Engine House ...

and around the back were three of the 13 buddles ...

From inside there was a view right down to the valley which leads to Portreath ...

The final building is the Winding Engine House ...

where Hamish obliged by posing for me twice!

and when the children arrived they agreed to pose as well ...

Meanwhile Mike and Simon were getting into the mathematics of the stone dropping and trying to work out how far they were going ...

They were convinced that judging by the sound of the stone hitting something they weren't making it all the way down for 600ft!

It was now time to leave and the general opinion was that it was a great place and the kids loved it!!


  1. love this place, great photos, love the stone dropping pics too!

  2. I saw that on the programme with Julia Bradbury and it is a place I want to visit...
