Thursday, 6 August 2009

Broken Symphony

After our meal this evening it was Hamish's time for his nightly stroll around Portreath and as it was still warm we took him to the beach. There were plenty of people about and a very strong smell of BBQ's as we walked from the harbour end towards Amy's Cove at the far side.

In the distance we saw our Harbour Association Chairman's car on the sand and as we got closer we noticed a big yellow trailer also parked up. Being curious we began walking faster and then someone told us that one of the boat-owners from the harbour had smashed his boat up in the surf. He is a lovely chap in his mid-seventies and his pride and joy was now just a wreck on the sand - it was so sad. Lots of association members were there helping to recover it so naturally we helped too.

These are the sequence of events in the process of getting it onto the trailer and then it was taken to the hardstanding on the harbour where it will stay until it can be disposed of.

The owner had been taken to hospital to be checked over but everyone said he was okay as he was clear of the boat before the surf did the damage of breaking it up.

The end of the evening ...


  1. I cannot believe how much worse it looked in reality when we saw it last night - Poor chap

  2. Am I the only person who finds things like broken boats so very sad... like discarded toys no longer wanted but this was worse because it was probably very loved and now just a moments work by nature and it is a wreck.. hope the owner is ok...

    Hope to see you soon, house is on the market, and a second viewing by one person already planned... keep your fingers crossed... unfortunately neither of the two jobs came to anything but I haven't given up hope..

  3. Yes it was a very loved boat as he would come to the harbour two or three times a day to check on her. As you say - very sad.

    Will keep our fingers crossed for you with the house and also that another job interview may be just round the corner.
