Wednesday, 22 October 2008

Truro Today

After having a coffee in The Lounge we were walking back towards the town and I just looked over a little bridge and saw this ...

A peaceful bit of river amongst the busy traffic of a city.

On the way home we called in at Pets at Home to collect some herbal tablets for Hamish as he absolutely HATES fireworks. They are Scullcap and Valerian tablets - will let you know if they work after Bonfire Night. Whilst in the shop I saw this ...

and couldn't resist it! An Advent Calendar for Hamish!


  1. Aww how cute is that advent calendar! Well if humans can celebrate xmax why can't dogs and cats celebrate aswell! At xmas my cat is always bought gifts aswell!!

  2. I'm pretty certain that they had cat Advent calendars as well!
