Friday, 24 October 2008

That Sinking Feeling!

When we got home and looked out of our front window this is what we saw ...

There was quite a swell in the harbour and the backlash from the wall had swamped Georgielee ...

There was also talk of a seal being in the outer harbour so naturally with camera in hand I went to have a look.

There it was ...

The sea was quite dramatic too ...


  1. Crikey the waves look huge! Almost quite scary! Love the photo of the seal though! S/he must have been loving the waves! Sorry I haven't read you blog in a couple of weeks, so I had tons to catch up on! Hope you are still reading my blog!:0)

  2. Yes I'm still keeping an eye on your blog. So pleased to see that you finally got some sunshine in Cornwall and made it into the sea :-)
