Sunday, 6 July 2008

Soggy Sunday!

Whenever we woke during the night it seemed to be raining. At six o'clock we made the decision to call it a day and so around seven am we texted everyone who was due to arrive today and told them not to bother. There was no way we could get vehicles on to the Showground as the camping field was gradually becoming a mini Glastonbury. As we were packing up there was a message over the Tannoy to say that the Show had been cancelled due to the weather. This made us feel a bit better about giving up and heading home. Jo and Paul dismantled their tent ...

and we took a lot of their stuff for them as it was impossible to pack their 5 properly with all the soggy gear. Luckily we were parked at the far end of the field with a gate just downhill from us. It was a simple exercise to drive across the grass, out of the gate and on to an estate road. We'd already seen one motorhome get towed out so we were very pleased to be able to do it under our own steam. After negotiating Exeter we were back on the A30 and heading west.

It was an eventful weekend and one we'll never forget. We can't wait to get back to Norfolk and see our new acquisition - Crocus.

She needs a lot of TLC before she can go back in the water but it is just the challenge we'll enjoy and we've set ourselves a time limit. Hopefully she'll soon be on her way to Cornwall for restoration and then back to her home on the Broads where we can enjoy sailing her.

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