Saturday, 12 July 2008

On Our Way Home

We've done all we planned to do on our quick jaunt back to Norfolk and so it's time to be heading home once again.

We were awake early and so set off at 9am with the first stop being Tesco to fill with fuel - at least we had a voucher for 5p a litre off! We decided to retrace our route up to Norfolk which went very well until we got to the Ring Road around Oxford where we almost ground to a halt. It just proved to be sheer volume of traffic and not an accident as we'd thought but while sitting in the queue I got the camera out and snapped this shot of a huge drill that was being used for some major works ...

and then we went over the canal with a train passing by ...

We had booked one night at a farm at Lambourn, Berkshire and the field had lovely views over the countryside ...

but it was defitintely not a flat field and the chocks were needed to get us level. Thank goodness we could leave the outboard outside tonight as we were miles from anywhere and it was perfectly safe being propped up in the bike rack ...

Hamish watched me as I was on the PC ...

I can hear him saying "Mum, surely you can't need to go on that machine again tonight?"

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