Sunday, 27 July 2008

Looe 10th Vehicle Rally

Another Sunday and another beautifully sunny morning. Today we were off to Looe where we were joined by 16 other MX-5's for a day out. We set up our Stand and prepared for the public to come and admire our vehicles.

It is a fabulous setting at the Westwayland Caravan and Touring Park overlooking the sea and just after lunch it was time for the exhibitors to enter the parade ring. I managed to get a couple of photos of this Shire before it was our turn ...

Most of the 5's took part in the drive and while we were introduced to the public the children waved and the adults applauded. After lining up in the middle of the ring ...

we drove out to be handed our memento of the day by the President of Looe Lions, the organisation that was responsible for the event. It was now ice-cream time for some ...

and while Mum and Dad helped to dismantle the Stand, it was time for a certain little chap called Fred to have a snooze ...

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