Sunday, 18 May 2008

Spring Rally Sunday

Well I was certainly much warmer last night due to the fact that I only took off three things last night! My specs, my shoes and my belt! Yes I slept in everything else and was as warm as toast! Up at six this morning for a shower I then went around the campsite taking photos ...

at the last count there were 28 MX-5's staying which has to be a record. After another cooked breakfast we broke camp and loaded the car ready to leave ...

We were due to take over 'Meet and Greet' duties on the gate as soon as we could get there ..

but when we arrived we found that no-one was working the entrance and cars had parked up where they weren't supposed to. Apparently the chap who had promised to man the gate until we arrived had had a 'hard night' and didn't get up until 10am! Some help! We soon had things sorted though and with Mike and Sharon on the Car Park and us on the gate everything ran like clockwork! The sun shone and the cars kept on arriving - over 500 at the last count - which was definitely a record for a Spring Rally. There is no way I could photo all the cars but this is just a tiny area ...

Hamish had been brilliant while we were working and after a wander around the trade stands he sat in the car dropping a very subtle hint that he'd had enough ...

We set off after lunch as we had a three and a half hour journey home. I had to take this photo ...

I've passed these deer so many times but never had my camera to hand before. While we were driving we had a text from Jo and Paul inviting us to dinner when we got back which was really lovely as it meant we didn't have to think of cooking. The perfect end to a great weekend away.

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