Saturday, 5 April 2008

Busy Afternoon

The crane arrived this afternoon as all the boats were due to be lifted into the harbour. It was bitterly cold but we braved the weather and went out to watch the preceedings. Hamish doesn't like to miss anything that is happening ...

The first boat lifted was the sailing catamaran which was placed on the sand and then Georgielee II was put beside her.

They had to wait for the tide to reach them but it didn't take very long and the catamaran was soon sorting out his new mooring.

The crane then moved down to the far end of the harbour where most of the boats had been laid up for the winter and a few more were put in.

By now we were feeling very cold and as it began to rain we decided a cup of tea was more important than photos! After warming ourselves up and as the rain had stopped, we went back for a few more photos of the last boats as they went in.

The clocks have changed to British Summertime, the boats are back in the water so now we look forward to some better weather and plenty of activity in the harbour.

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